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Chefchaouen 2
("Mediterranean architecture 2")
15,2 x 22,4"
Acrylic on Board

Artist Statement:

"Since my most tender infancy, I’ve always had the need to draw and paint. As a young boy, I used to get the walls of our house dirty. I had only one theme--cats. I drew cats in all imaginable poses--resting, running, looking around, playing, wrestling. Then the need to create cats suddenly disappeared, and as an adolescent I started to paint and draw nature, alive and dead, but always nature. I searched for the light, the color and the shapes.

I have always had the tendency to perfect the drawings for my paintings and to purify different techniques to capture light and color. Many decades have passed, and I’m still focused on the same criteria and objectives: capturing the light, the shapes and the color.

Painting has always been a vital need for me. It is a constant, daily need, a struggle, a rigor, an effort and an extraordinary satisfaction. Painting is a path towards to my inner self and my personal peace, and a love for nature."

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